Terms of use for the Ilmarinen Surveys service

This page contains the terms of use for Ilmarinen’s Surveys service.

1. General information

These terms of use are applied when Ilmarinen’s corporate customer (“Customer”) uses Mutual Pension Insurance Company Ilmarinen’s (“Ilmarinen”) Surveys service (“Service”). The service consists of surveys (e.g. Työvire, Työyhteisövire, Work Ability surveys) targeted at Customers’ employees (“Respondent”). ​

Use of the service is subject to compliance with these terms of use. In addition, the Service user commits to complying with the general terms and conditions (general terms) concerning the use of Ilmarinen’s online services valid at any given time. The service is primarily subject to these specific terms and secondarily to the general terms.

These terms of use become valid once the Customer’s representative has approved them.

2. Service provider

The main service provider of the Service is Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company (0107638-1).

Location: Porkkalankatu 1, Helsinki
Postal address: Keskinäinen Eläkevakuutusyhtiö Ilmarinen, 00018 ILMARINEN
Phone: 010 284 11

Ilmarinen can also use third parties in providing the Service.

3. Purpose and content of the Service

The Service is a work ability risk management service provided by Ilmarinen.

The purpose of the surveys included in the Service is to chart the work ability risk of Ilmarinen’s Customers and thus Ilmarinen’s work ability risk involved in the conduct of insurance business. Ilmarinen provides anonymised reports on the survey responses for charting work ability risks, understanding the reasons behind the risks and creating a situation overview of work ability management.  

Surveys in the Service can only be conducted for persons insured by Ilmarinen.

4. Processing of personal information

Personal information is processed in the Service as follows: 

  • A Customer having adopted the Service enters the name and email address/separate identifier of the employees the Customer wishes to send the survey to.
  • In addition, the Customer can enter additional information in the Service related to employees, which the Customer deems necessary for the purpose of reporting. Such information can include, for example, the employee belonging to a specific team or information about their supervisor.
  • Only the Customer’s designated admins and Ilmarinen’s admin team designated for the Service have access to the identifier information added by the Customer in the Service. If required, on Ilmarinen’s separate request (e.g., in case of technical issues), the designated individuals of Ilmarinen’s technical subcontractor also have access to the personal information.
  • At no stage can the Customer or Ilmarinen’s personnel associate responses with individual Respondents. Such reports that would make it possible to identify individual Respondents will not be generated from the Service. 
  • Work Ability Surveys: Once a person has responded to the survey, the survey responses will be retained at Ilmarinen as personal information until a report has been generated on the survey by the Customer’s admin. Separate consent will be requested from the Respondent for the processing of the response data. After the survey is closed, the survey responses and the employees’ identifier information will be anonymised so that the responses can no longer be associated with the individuals who gave them.
  • If the Respondent writes identifiable information about themselves in the open-ended response fields, this will not be deleted separately. 

To the extent that personal information is processed in the Service, Ilmarinen determines the purposes and means of processing, i.e., acts as the controller for the data. Ilmarinen processes personal information carefully in accordance with legislation and ensures the protection of privacy in the handling of such data. For further information on the processing of personal information, go to Ilmarinen’s data protection page, and for more information on information security, go to Ilmarinen’s information security page.