About Ilmarinen

We are Finland’s largest private earnings-related pension insurance company. As a mutual pension insurance company, we are wholly owned by our customers. Our task is to ensure that our customers receive the pension they earned from work. We offer statutory employees’ and self-employed persons’ pension insurance for employers and entrepreneurs operating in Finland.

Current topics

News 27.8.2024

Ilmarinen’s administrative cost will decrease in 2025

At the start of next year, Ilmarinen’s customers’ administrative cost will decrease by roughly 10 per cent. The administrative cost is part of the TyEL insurance contribution, and in that respect, your TyEL contribution as our customer will decrease.

Ilmarinen’s administrative cost will decrease in 2025

Press release 26.4.2024

Ilmarinen’s return on investments 3.2 per cent and efficiency improved further

The return on Ilmarinen’s investments in January–March was 3.2 per cent. The company’s cost-effectiveness improved further as premiums written grew and the operating expenses necessary for providing pension security fell. “We have successfully continued implementing Ilmarinen’s strategy and improved our productivity significantly over the past six years,” says Ilmarinen’s CEO Jouko Pölönen.

Ilmarinen’s return on investments 3.2 per cent and efficiency improved further
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