Send secure message to our customer service

You can send a secure mail and attachment to our customer service.

Take care of your matters primarily in the online service

If your matter concerns your own retirement or rehabilitation matters, the easiest way to take care of them is to log in to the MyPension service. The service allows you to chat and send messages or documents.

If you want to take care of your insurance matters, log in to the self-employed person's online service or employer's online service.

In the online service, you can take care of your matters easily and we are able to process them faster.

If you can't use our online services, send a secure message below

Please include the following things in your message:

  • personal identification number
  • first and last name
  • telephone number
  • in insurance matters the insurance number or business ID
  • in the matters of 'Affairs of a pensioner living abroad', please inform your e-mail address also in the message field.

Please note that the maximum size for an attachment is 25 MB.

Instructions for sending a message

1. Add your own email address in the sender field. Press the 'Continue' button.
2. Enter a subject and the message. Enter your contact information and any other identifying information in the message.
3. If necessary, add an attachment.
4. Press the 'Send' button.