The Environmental Policy defines our climate targets

Our Environmental Policy is part of our Responsible Investment Policy. It sets concrete targets on how we take the environment into consideration in our investment decisions. It has at its core mitigating and preparing for climate change.

The Environmental Policy takes into account climate change risks and opportunities

A company that is mindful of the environment and its stakeholders also achieves long-term financial success.

The environment plays a significant role in our health and well-being. That is why it is natural that the environment is one of the key themes of our sustainability work. In our investment operations, the environment means the built environment, cultural environment and natural environment.

Climate Policy

The Climate Policy is part of our Environmental Policy.

Climate change is a major global threat which can escalate into a crisis if society’s various players do not take action.

Reducing emissions cannot be a voluntary measure; it is a prerequisite for sustained societal stability. Despite the challenges it brings, climate change also entails significant new business opportunities. We are a global investor, and our investments make an impact around the world. That is why we must take climate change into account in a systematic, forward-looking manner.

By incorporating climate factors into our investment decisions, we can participate in building a successful future based on a sustainable, just transition and promote the goals of our investment activities.

Carbon neutral pension assets by the end of 2035

In 2019, we set a new target in our Climate Policy of achieving carbon neutrality in investing the pension assets under our management by 2035. This target primarily involves engaging with investees to encourage them to deliver real emission reductions.

Download our Responsible Investment Policy (pdf)


Environmental Policy Guidelines

The Environmental Policy Guidelines are part of our Responsible Investment Guidelines. The guidelines provide more detailed information on how the Responsible Investment Policy is applied to investment decisions.