Ownership policy

Active ownership is a key part of our investment operations. We are an active owner and engage with the companies we own in different ways. Take a look at our Ownership Policy on this page.

The Ownership Policy provides information on us as an owner

As an investor, we are responsible for the implementation of active ownership. It allows us to bring about positive change.

The focal point of our active ownership is Finnish ownership and direct engagement. Our activities include, among other things, participation in nomination committees, voting at general meetings and regular communications with corporate management.

In the case of indirect ownership, fund management companies are responsible for active ownership. We regularly ask them about the implementation of active ownership, either in writing or in meetings. 

In addition to the Ownership Policy, we have public ownership guidelines, approved by Ilmarinen’s Responsible Investment Executive Committee. They provide more details on our views relating to, for example, changes in the capital structure and Board elections.

The policy applies to our investments in both Finnish and foreign companies. We expect the publicly quoted companies we own to follow local corporate governance codes and international recommendations for good governance.

Download our Responsible Investment Policy (pdf)