Responsibility is a major part of investment risk management

Responsibility is part of Ilmarinen's every-day actions. Read more, how responsibility can be seen in our investment operations.

Responsibility is part of all our investment decisions 

Our task is to invest pension assets profitably and securely. That is why we take the environment, human rights and good governance aspects into account in all of our investment decisions. This reduces investment risks in the long run. We see that taking these aspects into consideration also has an impact on investment returns.

The Responsible Investment Policy is a document approved by our Board of Directors, which guides all of our investment decisions.  

The policy is divided into three parts.  

  • Environmental Policy 
  • Human Rights Policy 
  • Ownership Policy 

The policy covers all of the three areas into which responsible investment is usually divided: Environment, Social and Governance, or in short, ESG. 

Responsible Investment Policy

The Board of Directors approves our Responsible Investment Policy and it applies to all investment decisions.

Download out Responsible Investment Policy (pdf)

Climate Roadmap

We manage the risks brought about by climate change by seeking to achieve carbon neutrality in the investment of pension assets by the end of 2035. The Climate Roadmap describes the interim targets, actions and tools to reach the net zero carbon goal.

Download our Climate Roadmap (pdf)

Biodiversity Roadmap

Biodiversity needs to be taken into account in investment activities in the same way as climate change. We have published our Biodiversity Roadmap.

Download our Biodiversity Roadmap (pdf)

Impact and sustainable development goals in Ilmarinen investments

From an institutional investor perspective, in line with the fiduciary duties, our goal is investing with impact rather than investing for impact. In this paper we determine our understanding of impact in investment context. Further, we lay the groundwork for our impact framework on how we currently define, and in the future plan and measure impact in context of our investment activities.

Read more: Impact and sustainable development goals in Ilmarinen investments (pdf)

Responsible Investment Reports (PRI reports)

We annually report on our investment operations in line with the international Principles of Responsible Investment (PRI) co-operation. You can find our responsible investment reports on this page.

Nordic Engagement Cooperation (NEC)

We engage with the companies we invest in as part of the Nordic Engagement Cooperation (NEC). You can find the annual reports on this page.

Annual and sustainability report

Our annual and sustainability report provides you with information on the carbon footprint of our investments and on how we take ESG aspects into account. The report also contains information on climate change impacts in accordance with the international TCFD guidelines.  

See the ‘Financial information’ section for a look at our sustainability reports.